Exact 110 years ago famous Russian driver and journalist Andrey Nagel started his preparations to Monte Carlo Rally 1912, and from this day we can start countdown of RussoBaltique Vodka birth, unique Vodka, which was born just because it happened.
Vodka RussoBaltique
December, 31, 1911 Russian team A. Nagel and V. Mikhailoff started their way to Monaco. Till now some of their results are unbeated:
- The longest road - 3257 km
- And - one & only team which started next year Rally the previous year
- It can be longread how two heroic drivers, at minus 30⁰ C on soft-top convertible did this rally

But let's pay attention to Vodka
They started their rally from St. Petersburg, on RussoBaltique car, this name RussoBaltique was written only on one RBVZ car C24/55 car specially for the rally. All other RBVZ cars had standard russian text РусскоБалтiйский.
The same name got Vodka created by DARTZ in collaboration with Baltic Whisky Bank - RussoBaltique Vodka.
January, 1 they come to Riga and visit the factory.
Like wrote Nagel in memories about this Rally: factory chief engineer gifted us flask which copied car grill, with Imperial eagle as cork, a small copy of car hood ornament.
When factory workers inspected the car, one of them come to me, and with sly eyes told: you don't need so much acetylene on this road, I put in one balloon military spirit, I am sure it will help you more. It's cold outside, he told.
Later we prayed many times for this worker. Mikhailoff put a full copper mug with the show, I accurately poured their spirit. It worked with us.

That's all recipe and all secret of RussoBaltique Vodka
Military spirit, copper mug - called now "Moscow mauler" - full with snow and will to win.
Less than 1oo years later, celebrating 100 years of DARTZ ancestors RBVZ, DARTZ MotorZ Owner & Founder Leonard Yankelovich created RussoBaltique Vodka, and presented at Top Marques Monaco Show, now this bottle is in Copenhagen Vodka Museum Collection.
Till now only owners of DARTZ cars had the possibility to get this bottle.
But, things happen and thanks to Baltic Whisky Bank now practically everyone, just for €11.000 can get 3 liters of pure RussoBaltique Vodka, which is a new class of Vodka - Family Relique Vodka.
The bottle which you can buy for a base price of €11.000 is authentic but bigger, copy of World's Most Expensive Vodka, just balloon is made not from Gold & Silver but from thick gold plated glass. All other - Silver Eagle, Gold Plated RussoBaltique order with pure Gold Rally car and silver basement - are the same.
In addition, The Drink Edition has St. Anna Order copy "on the neck" same as got A. Nagel from Russian Tzar Nikolai II after come back.

Why bottle will be presented at the Cannes Film Festival 2o21?
There are too many reasons - one of them 110 years old tradition, as last drops of Military spirit from Riga, brave drivers drink in Cannes, after Rally, as the car went back home by train. We have no proper information did they mixed Spirit with snow, just water, or anything else - but let's leave space for our fantasy.
The next reason - as DARTZ has its Movie Vehicle Department which supplied Movie World not only with cars.
That's why you can see a copy of RussoBaltique Vodka under the name Sayanskaya Osobaya in House Of Cards Episode 5. And yes, you can see Lars Mikkelsen aka President Petrov with both of Vodka's in Copenhagen Vodka Museum.
RussoBaltique Vodka is already requested for private parties during the Festival like also planned to be auctioned for charity.
We are also sure that it can be a good addition to our Colleague' cars who mainly put inside of their epic rides Champagne or Conyak.